Midreshet Amit


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Who is the Real Hero?

By: Melissa Goldsmith, Emily Levine

“But Mordechai would not bow down nor prostrate himself. So the King’s servants at the King’s gate said to Mordechai, “Why do you disobey the King’s command?”… Haman himself saw that Mordechai did not bow down and prostrate himself before him then Haman was filled with rage. However it seemed contemptible to him to lay hands on Mordechai alone, for they had made known to him the people of Mordechai. So Haman sought to destroy all the Jews (Yehudim) who were throughout the kingdom of Achashverosh the people of Mordechai.” (Megillat Esther 3: 2-6)

It is crazy to think that Mordechai is the hero and protagonist of the Purim story. After all he seems to be the one who instigated Haman in the first place.  Why did Mordechai choose to put the Jews at risk and not appease Haman like everyone else?

The Talmud Megilla states, “Anyone who denies the validity of idolatry is called a Jew.” In addition, the Talmud Sanhedrin says that any matter that appears to be controlling independent of God’s will is included in the limitations of idolatry. Mordechai took a well-calculated risk here. He refused to do idolatry and bow down to a man from Amalek, the nation we are commanded to erase in this week’s special maftir, Parshat Zachor. Amalek is a long time enemy of the Jews. When Bnei Israel is spiritually weak, Amalek feeds on their doubts and gains strength. In Refidim Amalek attacked Bnei Israel when they asked, “Is Hashem within out midst or not?”

If Mordechai knew that Haman “HaAgagi” was from Amalek and would gain strength from his defiance to bow to him then why take the risk? Mordechai knew that Haman wouldn’t just go against Mordechai alone and would go after all of Bnei Israel.  However, Mordechai knew that the Jewish people were ideologically opposed to Haman and would therefore strengthen and unify as a nation, inversely causing Amalek to lose strength again. Mordechai’s seemingly selfish act actually caused the Jewish people’s unification and ultimate salvation in the end.