Midreshet Amit


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Raising the Group

By: Nicole Wohlberg

Generally when people hear Parshat Yitro they think about Moshe's relationship with Yitro and Yitro's advice. However the 10 commandments overshadow the entire Parsha because of their impact on the Jewish people as a nation.

There are many questions that arise when learning about the 10 commandments. One of them being, when Moshe comes down the mountain to give the 10 commandments it says ויאמר אלהם but in the next pasuk we read וידבר אלהים את כל הדברים . What did Moshe tell Bnei Yisrael?

Rashi explains that it was a repeat warning not to go up the mountain. After all the commandments are said the people storm Moshe and tell him that it is too much for them to hear Hashem and they insist Moshe should speak on his behalf. According to the Chizkuni, Bnei Yisrael are afraid of the noise, the lights, the fire and the whole environment. But according to Ibn Ezra they were afraid that Hashem would continue talking and therefore they would die so they spoke out of fear. In a way, Bnei Yisrael felt they were not deserving of hearing G-d directly and that Hashem's word should come through Moshe. When Hashem speaks to them directly they are overwhelmed with awe and fear.

Before going off to Israel for the year we all had fears. How will I live alone? Will I live up to everyone's expectations of what my year should be like? Am I going to apply what I learn this year to my life?
Moshe reassured Bnei Yisrael that Hashem is speaking to you in order לבעבור נסות אתכם

Ramban explains this means that Bnei Yisrael would be raised up so that they should feel that among all the nations Hashem chose them and spoke to them.

During the year there will be fears but we shouldn't let them stop us from getting the most out of the experience. As Rabbi Goldstein says, "Be a part of raising the group while pushing through the fears."