Midreshet Amit


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The Glory of Hashem

By: Zoe Nadler

In our Parsha, the phrase λαεγ δων  is introduced. What does this phrase mean and where else have we seen this phrase before? In Shmot 16:6-7, Moshe tells the people in the context of seeing the man that at night they should remember that God took them of Egypt and in the morning they should experience the glory of God. Rashi explains that glory of God refers to the loving way that God approached the people when giving them the manna as opposed to the meat which they did not deserve. The ramban explains that unlike the quails, the manna (created during bein hashmashot) was a totally divine creation expressing the glory of God to the people.

The rashbam explains that when we see glory of God it refers to a miracle taking place. The Ramban explains that if one prepares for receiving hashem the prize is λαεγ δων.

In some cases, Abraham at his Brit milah and Yaakov with his dream if the angels there was no preparation for receiving God. In the upcoming weeks we put a lot of time into preparing for Pesach. It involves the most preparation of any chag. May this preparation allow up to see the glory of God with Am Yisrael.