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Chanukah at Midreshet AMIT

What an incredibly special chag this has been for the students at Midreshet AMIT! We began the week with an amazing carnival coordinated and organized by our very own Sarah Mendlowitz and Daniella Moffson. Our students entertained the children on their first day of vacation from school with face painting, dreidel making, zumba, games and sports competitions. One of the highlights was the AMIT vs. Beit Hayeled soccer game - and even our best athletes just couldn't beat the Beit Hayeled kids!

Our Chanukah Yom Iyun was a big success with a series of relevant and important halachik and hashkafic shiurim given by Reb Norman Meskin, Ms Seffa Sheinbein and Mrs Dena Knoll. A special shiur Klali with Rabbi Knapel called "Christmas comes to a Jewish Home" kicked off the day of learning.

Later in the week, our students had the opportunity to hear from Mrs, Ora Cohen, a special guest speaker who shared her own personal "Miracle Story". Mrs, Cohen and her five children miraculously survived one of the worst bus bombings in Israel's history and both the story and her unwavering belief in Hashem were incredibly inspiring,

We danced through the night at an incredible Chagiga on Tuesday evening and enjoyed dinner and donuts (of course!) along with a kumsitz and Divrei Torah given by Samantha Felder and Mrs, Havi Bitter. The energy and voices of our students, along with the beautiful music and stories of our own Rav Noam Koenigsberg was felt throughout the school - and perhaps heard throughout the city of Gilo!

Finally, our Chanukah festivities reached new heights - literally - as we traveled down south and climbed up beautiful mountains over looking the Dead Sea. Climbing up was difficult but getting back down was a lot more challenging and the students had to use team building skills and a strong set of ropes to help each other get to the bottom.

A huge Yasher Koach and thank you to Mrs, Barbara Vidomlanski who coordinated many of the weeks special events and details.

Wishing all of you a Chanukah Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!