Midreshet Amit


Mrs. Naomi Schrager

Mrs. Naomi Schrager

Naomi has been involved in formal and informal Jewish education since she attended Stern College, where she received a BA in Philosophy and Jewish Studies.  While studying, she was very involved in NCSY.  After completing her undergraduate degree, Naomi learned in YU’s Graduate Program for Advanced Talmudic Studies  while simultaneously taking coursework at YU’s Azrieli school of Education. After spending a few more years  working for NCSY, Naomi and her family moved to Dallas, TX as part of the YU Kollel.  There, she was the director of the women’s division of the Kollel, teaching classes and running programs throughout the community. She also taught in Yavneh Academy, and eventually assumed the position of Assistant Principal and director of Israel Guidance.  After 10 years in Dallas, Naomi’s family realized their dream of (finally!) making Aliyah. Naomi currently teaches in several seminaries. Naomi lives with her husband and four wonderful children in Ramat Beit Shemesh.


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