Alumni Reviews
Chesed End of Year Review - Paula Moskovitz AMIT 2011-12
1. What did you enjoy most about your chesed in the Beit Hayeled? This is a really tough question because there are so many different areas. I really enjoyed the fact that we lived in the ...
Avital Mannis and Alex Thurm (AMIT 2011-12)
Yom Ha'atzmaut Message to SAR Students Chag Sameach from Yerushalayim. This year we chose to come to Midreshet Amit for a true and unique Chessed experience in Israel. At Midreshet Amit we ...
My Year at AMIT, Allison Billet, 2011-12
When I decided to attend Midreshet Amit, I did not know what to expect. I had never even thought about going on a program like this, nor have I ever even been to Israel. I was really ...
My Year at Midreshet AMIT: Reflections by Amanda Schaum
My year at Midreshet AMIT has been unforgettable! Between the teachers, the girls, the country and mostly the kids, this year has been amazing!. The teachers at Amit are some that I'll ...